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Icom CI-V Level Converter CT-17
With +9-15 VDC into the box, along with a 25 pin RS-232 connector from the computer, and the MAX232 changes its Vcc DC input (first regulated down to +5VDC by a 3 terminal regulator on the CT-17''s pcb) into bipolar RS-232 levels for the computer side of things along with TTL levels to the Icom radio through a 3.5mm jack.
ICOM CT-17 ICOM CI-V Level Converters | DX Engineering
ICOM CI-V Level Converters are designed to allow for the connection of one or more ICOM transceivers to a personal computer RS-232C port. They allow you to change frequencies, operating modes, and memory channels using your computer and appropriate third party control software. ICOM CI-V level converters include a DC power cord and mini jumper ...
RigPix Database
Converts TTL-level from the radio into RS-232C level to the computer. Related documents: User manual (1.9 MB, Eng/Jap) Early version. User manual (1.4 MB) Later version. CI-V interface reference manual v3.2 (2002) (5.1 MB) Modifications and fixes: Reviews: Applicable radios: All Icom radios with TTL-level CI-V port.
CT-17 | Products | Icom America.
CT-17. ZOOM. ZOOM. Descriptions / Specifications; Compatible Products; Support / Download; Open. Descriptions ・Level converter for CI-V control ・Allows to connect CI-V connector and RS-232C port of a PC ・Discontinued for production. Base Stations. IC-7851. THE TRANSCEIVER. IC-7300. USA Version. HF/50MHz TRANSCEIVER.
SEOB TOLMU. Lahtine tolm on eraldumist soodustav tegur, mis võib oluliselt vähendada uue kihi naket, põhjustada pragude teket ja materjali koorumist. Tolm tuleb tolmuimejaga eemaldada ja ülejäänu seotakse krundi abil tõhusalt aluspinnaga, et tekitada järgmiste tööde jaoks sobiva nakkega pind.
icct17 001a
Set the same baud rate of your computer''s RS232C terminal for the connecting transceiver/receiver. Refer to your computer instruction manual. The standard Icom CI-V baud rate is 1200 bps. @ Turn the transceiver and receiver power ON. Apply 9-15 V DC (20 TIA) power to the CT-17. IC-737/A IC-736 IC-735 IC-729 IC-728 IC-726 IC-725 …
CT 17
CT 17 Tiefgrund kann auf allen festen, tragfähigen, sauberen, trockenen Untergründen, die frei von trennenden Substanzen sind, eingesetzt werden. Tragfähigkeit des Untergrundes überprüfen. Calciumsulfatestriche (trocken) mechanisch anrauen. Fenster, Türen und sonstige Anlagen sowie angrenzende
Grunt głęboko penetrujący, szybkoschnący
rmicznej. Grunt nie zawiera rozpuszczalnika. Zagruntowane Ceresit CT 17 Profi podłoża (wszel-kiego rodzaju tynki, betony, jastrychy, podkłady z ogrzewaniem pod-łogowym) mają mniejszą nasiąkliwość, co zapobiega zbyt szybkie-mu przesychaniu zapraw klejący. h, posadzek, gładzi, szpachlówek czy farb. Preparat wnika w podłoże i wiąże ...
CT-17 | Manual Download | Support | Icom America.
CT-17: Document: Instruction Manual Note: File size: 1.87MB: About this Download Service. Icom Inc. would like to advise User''s of the following regarding this download service for User Manuals and Service Manuals. If you agree to the following, push the AGREE button below to proceed.
CT-17 | Products | Icom Inc.
CT-17. ZOOM. Descriptions / Specifications; Compatible Products; Support / Download; Open. Descriptions ・Level converter for CI-V control ・Allows to connect CI-V connector and RS-232C port of a PC ・Discontinued for production. All Mode. IC-7851. THE TRANSCEIVER. Discontinued product. IC-7700. HF/50MHz TRANSCEIVER. IC-7300.
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